As part of an on-going partnership with British Council, Livity Africa conceptualises events around innovation and collaboration in the creative and digital industry in South Africa, Africa and the UK. Together we curate these events and activations - from panel discussions to presentations and performances - inviting young people to engage, exchange and connect with like-minded folk across both continents.
The collaboration has presented events such as Creative Futures (a three-day programme of interactions built around visiting UK and pan-African participants and their local counterparts from South Africa), a music journalism training workshop at the Cape Town Electronic Music Festival, A Reverse Hustle with Wits Arts Museum and Wits University to mention a few.
Livity Africa serves as a media partner responsible for creating content and collateral around the Hustles, inviting panelists, facilitators and guests, as well as covering and reporting on the events. Both the #CreativeHustles and #DigitalHustles events have trended on South African Twitter.