The eighth installment of the Creative Hustles series, presented by Live SA and British Council Connect ZA, explored the ever changing world of street culture.
Taking place at Boaston Society in Cape Town, the panel boasted a mix of influential leaders of street culture including founder of Boaston Society Elisha Mpofu @boastonsociety, Jam That Session co-founder Obie Mavuso @JamThat_Sesh, Head Honcho founder Nick Kaoma @nick_kaoma, 2Bop founder Anthony Smith @2bop, AndPeople lead creative Kim Smith @_andpeople, illustrator Carla Ilena @ClaraIlena and Hashtag Radio and SABC2s Roughing It Out presenter Vuyolwethu Dubese @VDubese.
Creative Hustles are a series of free events for young people, aged 18 to 35 years, to engage with established creative industry professionals and arts practitioners. Brought to you by Livity Africa and British Council Connect ZA, the hustles were hosted in Johannesburg and Cape Town covering topics from live performance and visual art to design and street culture. More than 1,000 young people attended the hustles and our media coverage of the series achieved a reach of 17 million.
The British Council Connect ZA project is part of SA-UK Seasons 2014 and 2015 which is a partnership between the Department of Arts & Culture South Africa and the British Council.