About the author

My name’s Gavin Weale, and I’ve worked for a wonderful company called Livity in Brixton, south London, since 2002. My main project/preoccupation has been developing Live Magazine, a glossy mag produced entirely BY young people FOR young people. (Imagine a marketing agency with a youth club in the middle of it: that’s a bit like what we’ve created).

Thousands of young people come through the office every year and create amazing content and life-changing opportunities for themselves.

On March 1st 2011 I began a one-year Fellowship with the fantastic Shuttleworth Foundation, who invest in people with big ideas around bringing about social change, with a particular focus on openness and innovation. I’ll be using the year to apply everything I’ve learned to a new continent, with the aim of researching, developing and launching a version of Live Magazine, to engage, inspire, educate and empower young people in South Africa.

This blog will chart this journey: from the streets of south London to the townships of South Africa, and wherever it takes us next…

Follow me on Twitter here

2 Responses to About the author

  1. Pedume Charles Malemone says:

    Wow, this is great. How can young people contribute.

    • Gavin says:

      Stay tuned - we’re not up and running yet but keep checking, and we’ll be advertising opportunities for young people as soon as we can…

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