Amidst the frenzied final stages of Live Magazine issue one’s final production stages, I snuck away for a week in London to be part of Livity’s 10th birthday away days, which happened only a few days after the incredible news that Livity were named Ernst and Young’s Social Enterprise of the Year for 2011
Apart from the excitement of seeing all my London colleagues again for two days in the Somerset countryside, we set some BHAGs (“big hairy audacious goals”) which, among other things, included Live becoming an international youth title in multiple territories, published in every major language. Sounds outlandish now, but a few years ago setting up one international version of Live felt much the same, but now it’s about to happen.
The highlight for me came in mid-afternoon on the first day, when the whole company were invited into my room (Sam and Michelle, Livity’s co-founders, had amazingly, kindly, spoiled me by giving me the master bedroom at Halswell Hall, where we all stayed) for me to tell them the story of what had happened so far in our South African adventures.
Telling the story of Live SA so far to the assembled Livity ranks in my master bedroom at Halswell Hall in Somerset
It was a truly beautiful moment to share it with all the people who have been on the journey of Livity and Live for the last ten years. Here’s to ten more…
It was a favourite moment of everyones, and we can’t wait for the next chapter on a few weeks! X